Timetable for WordPress sample 2

Example 2. Timetable with filtering by category, dropdown menu for filtering, columns are different locations, quarter hour measure, first hours column shown with no ending hour, type 1 event block layout, 24 hour time format, custom CSS for event header and non-clickable events. Go to example 3 →

[tt_timetable event_category=’bar,display,panel,performance,registration,screening’ columns=’reception,floor-2,lounge-bar,floor-4,speakers-room,campus-green’ measure=’0.25′ filter_kind=’event_category’ time_format=’H:i’ box_bg_color=’96235B’ filter_color=’353C40′ disable_event_url=’1′ custom_css=’.tt_timetable .event .event_header {font-size:16px;font-weight:normal;}’]

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